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    1. #21
      Gaze into the eyes of Limestone Pie!
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      Quote Originally Posted by Princess Luna View Post
      I really can't be bothered, if I try and resolve it a week later he'll act like nothing happened and cause more drama.
      highly doubt this is about the name anymore luna, he doesn't like you because let's face it, you can be a bit of a condescendent smartass and no one likes that unless you do it in good taste, hence why i think the whole "slow" thing might had been in a pretty distateful context, since... it is you who said it. in other news, you have always been nice to me and i never had any real problems dealing with you, but around others... heh... a bit of an attitude check is what might be nice for ya friend... since you tend to oscilate from SUPAH nice to this every few months or depending on the person, and that's a bit worrying.

      NOTE: this is still related to the thread according to my judgement, and please luna take what i say with a good light, i am not trying to say you are an asshole, i am just expressing my honest opinion in the most mature way i can.
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    2. #22
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      Quote Originally Posted by Princess Luna View Post
      That being said, I'd like to post a few things regardless because I don't appreciate random people coming to this thread and calling me a dick because of Xalder's twisted and random story.

      1) I don't know what to title this one:

      This was a reply to someone who provided a very good argument against one of my posts in the thread and I actually agreed with him.

      2) The introduction posts:
      I'm always friendly to new people, new people are always the most understanding, least biased and most respecting.

      3) Not big surprise:
      Yeah, I dislike the show. *Cricket Chirp*

      4) Some random Utopia post that rustled your jimmies:
      That was Utopia, the post was more of a mockery about how you stabbed me in the back and how I should trust no one as a result of it.

      5) On the shoutbox:
      You instantly spotted me and started to make a fuss of it, I can't be bothered with that, so I did the most effective thing possible, I said if you were going to be a dick, you should go away, because I don't care. You left, so I assumed you were going to be a dick.

      6) That Slowking 'insult':
      I called Slowking 'slow', if you don't get that pun then... Argh... Some people.

      1) The comment about the thread being necro-posted was still unnecessary, and I read that entire thread and would never have known that post was a response to another one, maybe try quoting the post you're responding to next time.

      2) I feel like it's on the verge of lying to tell new people you'd be more than happy to help them out when you haven't even been around more than a few times per month, and seeing you saying stuff like that just annoyed me because of everything else, I presume, sorry it even comes up.

      3) You sure like that name for some reason, though.

      4) Oh, so because I made a mistake at the end of the deal that gets resolved in your favor, and I apologize for, gives you complete immunity from apologizing for turning back on the deal in the first place. That makes so much sense.

      5) You asked a question, I simply answered, you told me to fuck off. Sure, come to the site you hardly visit and tell one of it's most active/loyal members to leave, that'll show them.

      6) I saw the pun, it was quite obvious, the context in which it was in was a direct insult rather than a teasing joke. From my point of view, anyway, and Slowking really shouldn't have to put up with it, but he stays neutral and I respect him for that.

      Quote Originally Posted by Princess Luna View Post
      This is so stupid, especially since we already apologised and made up!
      No we didn't. I requested an apology from you and you were completely nonchalant and uncaring. I overreacted to that attitude, yes, but you still never did apologize. I'm still sorry about not telling Lyra of your change of heart when it happened, I get it, that was a dumb move. While I was upset about it at the time, you got the name back and everything was fine in terms of that, however I still find it completely unfair how we had made a deal and you backed out as soon as I finished my end of it.

      I suppose that from you I can't expect a sincere apology, but I would like one nonetheless. I don't care that we're not friends anymore, that seems to be something that won't be fixed, but I'd rather not completely hate you in this way. An apology would fix it so that I can more easily ignore you from here on, and not bother you or anyone else with this again.

      Thank you @Dustin, you really hit things on the head when you said I was more upset about losing a friend than anything to do with the name, other people aren't realizing that. However, as I stated just above, I don't think it seems like we'll be able to be friends again, but I have this burning hatred for someone who acts like everything about the drama is entirely my fault, not taking responsibility for his own actions. Hatred to the point that, yes, I would like to see him banned, to the point that I'd rather see absolutely no one with the name than him, as I'm pretty sure if it was taken away he'd throw a temper tantrum for a day or two then leave for good, as it seems like the only reason he ever comes around is to make sure he continues to have a hold on the name rather than because he wants anything to do with this community.

      Again, the reason I'm against Princess Luna is because we used to be friends and then he completely turned on me, spins my arguments to make it seem like everything is my fault, and, most of all, he takes no responsibility whatsoever for his unkind actions.
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    3. #23
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      Want a quick solution to this ?
      Ban Princess Luna. Cause he broke main rule of liking the show ~
      Who needs a user that is a brony/pony hater on the Equestria Forever ?
      It's like having an anarchist on a peace-and-love forum. See the point ? I don't.
      Princess Luna get's banned = no more drama ~

      Yes, he keeps the name only to start drama.
      Yes, Luna, I also don't really care for you.
      Yes, accept it you're the one lying.
      Yes, I'm mean and still don't care.
      Last edited by Wiran; 01-17-2013 at 02:10 PM.
      Spoiler: When someone tries to insult me 

    4. #24
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dustin View Post
      Um, okay, I'm just going to write what I feel... Um, sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings, I'm only trying to help... :s

      Though I'm not too familiar with @Princess Luna, from my very limited interaction with him, he's been quite polite and kind to me. That being said, I've seen him act, errm less then polite... At times... Sorry... Maybe I'm just wrong... But, er, I feel that, Luna, you could word your responses and opinions with a bit more tact. Of course it could just be me... But you kinda come off as a bit uncaring, and condescending at times... I'm sorry... Also, I'm not questioning your claim to the name, you had it first and have remained active enough to keep it. By rights its yours. I'm just a tad curious... Why exactly do you want the cannon name if you don't like the show? I just find that a bit odd... Sorry if i'm being too harsh... :s I'm sure youre a great guy, I just dont know you very well, but, please feel free to chat me up anytime! i'm here for you!
      No need to say sorry, or say that maybe you're 'wrong' at any point, an opinion is an opinion and you can never be wrong with that. Yes, I am not so polite and unkind to certain people at certain times.

      About the canon name. You might all wanna listen up to this.
      Originally, when Xalder asked me for the name Luna one thought that went through my head was; "It's alright, I'm not a fan of the show, I'll just take something else." So naturally I agreed, Xalder was a good friend. Nearing the end of our 'deal' a friend told me, convinced me to keep the name, they said that it is much more to me than simply a name, it's something I've used for over a year now and it's so much more special to me than I might let on. I would regret it if I let it go, and you know what? I'm glad I didn't go through with the deal, I apologised to Xalder and said that I'd be keeping this name. Immediately he was annoyed, understandably so. But four days later when I signed back into Equestria Forever, I had the name 'Eris', and Xalder had the name 'Princess Luna'. You can imagine I was pretty horrified, and later that day it was revealed that he lied to a mod (Lyra) to get the change, it was reverted and now there is this drama because he has taken it way out of proportion with stuff I don't even keep track of now, I mean, face it, the OP has nothing to do with the name changing fuss and he's still making drama out of it.

      Quote Originally Posted by Cheerilee View Post
      What did i said when oce came back? My exact words in shoutbox were something like "he has a plan, sure he acts all nice, but no one does a 360ş degree turn out of nowhere" that was followed by everyone taking it as if i was joking
      as for his behaviour bothering you... i agree with you but i suggest taking things more calmly, as far as things go, oce has not broke any rules... Besides, why paying attention to the bad apple? You have great friends in here that will support you no matter what
      The only 360 I'll be doing, is a 360 no scope. ow if you want to discuss my plans of world domination, you may kindly message me in private!

      Quote Originally Posted by Cheerilee View Post
      highly doubt this is about the name anymore luna, he doesn't like you because let's face it, you can be a bit of a condescendent smartass and no one likes that unless you do it in good taste, hence why i think the whole "slow" thing might had been in a pretty distateful context, since... it is you who said it. in other news, you have always been nice to me and i never had any real problems dealing with you, but around others... heh... a bit of an attitude check is what might be nice for ya friend... since you tend to oscilate from SUPAH nice to this every few months or depending on the person, and that's a bit worrying.

      NOTE: this is still related to the thread according to my judgement, and please luna take what i say with a good light, i am not trying to say you are an asshole, i am just expressing my honest opinion in the most mature way i can.
      Yeah, I agree, I was super nice, but it all fell apart bit by bit and now I'm only a fragment of what I used to be, I'd happily go back to being how I was before if people would drop the petty drama. I've done the same on FiM, it's just a shame that website is dead these days. The only people I'm going to be friendly like I used to be, is to those people who are new as well as those who treat me like I never left, since I came back yesterday I've always started chatting with some friendly people and helped someone a couple of times through PM.

      So that's all I'm going to post here for now, I could argue against Xalder's post but I'd be wasting my time. Lets be honest, we all are.

    5. #25
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      Quote Originally Posted by Nina View Post
      Want a quick solution to this ?
      Ban Princess Luna. Cause he broke main rule of liking the show ~
      Who needs a user that is a brony/pony hater on the Equestria Forever ?
      It's like having an anarchist on a peace-and-love forum. See the point ? I don't.
      Princess Luna get's banned = no more drama ~

      Yes, he keeps the name only to start drama.
      Yes, Luna, I also don't really care for you.
      Yes, accept it you're the one lying.
      Yes, I'm mean and still don't care.
      Not liking the show isn't a reason to ban someone. (Example: Trib)

      Insulting other members isn't explicitly stated in the rules, but it's implied by no Trolling/Flaming other members outside dystopia (and I received an infraction in the past for insulting another member, so I know it's legitimate). He insults bronies in general with a post in his ask thread, and as I've shown, flamed me and insulted Slowking (oh yeah, it's a pun, so funny, at least it would be funny if it wasn't in the context off specifically attacking his mental capabilities when he says he might believe "other people's stories").

      Not to mention him being banned would solve the same amount of drama as banning me, so why not ban me, instead? I'm the one bringing it up, so it's really all my fault that this stuff is around to begin with. I shouldn't get a preference just because I'm more active in the community, who's to say I won't just start even more drama with someone else, later, right?

      Quote Originally Posted by Princess Luna View Post
      Originally, when Xalder asked me for the name Luna one thought that went through my head was; "It's alright, I'm not a fan of the show, I'll just take something else." So naturally I agreed, Xalder was a good friend. Nearing the end of our 'deal' a friend told me, convinced me to keep the name, they said that it is much more to me than simply a name, it's something I've used for over a year now and it's so much more special to me than I might let on. I would regret it if I let it go, and you know what? I'm glad I didn't go through with the deal, I apologised to Xalder and said that I'd be keeping this name. Immediately he was annoyed, understandably so. But four days later when I signed back into Equestria Forever, I had the name 'Eris', and Xalder had the name 'Princess Luna'. You can imagine I was pretty horrified, and later that day it was revealed that he lied to a mod (Lyra) to get the change, it was reverted and now there is this drama because he has taken it way out of proportion with stuff I don't even keep track of now, I mean, face it, the OP has nothing to do with the name changing fuss and he's still making drama out of it.
      Well it would have been nice for you to explain this to me when you told me you changed your mind instead of saying

      Quote Originally Posted by Woona View Post
      ================================================== ==============================
      From : Princess Luna
      To : Xalder
      Date : 2012-11-19 01:38
      Title : Re: Eris Signature

      Hm... That other Eris is dead. Always was...

      Mmm... I'm keeping the name Luna, your words have given me second thoughts.

      ================================================== ==============================
      >My words gave you second thoughts.
      Also note the complete lack of an apology.

      I thought you had taken my small rant that Lyra's measure of contacting Eris was extraneous as reason to suddenly go against the entire deal, and was quite reasonably annoyed at that. However I still should have informed her of your change of heart, and I continue to understand the poor quality of the decision to neglect that. I'm sorry to say this, but it's really your own fault I didn't take you seriously when you changed you mind since you never even hinted at a reason.

      After everything's cleared up and you have the name back, I apologize for my error and ask you to apologize and explain why you had the change of heart. You flat out refused to tell me, once again attacking me for having made my error in the deal. I overreacted in some way, I can't quite remember how exactly, saying something about finding you a repugnant type of person, probably. At any rate I noticed how I overreacted, apologized for that, and asked once again for a reason/apology. If I remember correctly you didn't even respond after that.

      Thank you for finally explaining your reasons. However I still find your presence in the community an annoyance as you seem to continue to act inconsiderately to everyone you come across. Your general attitude seems to be one of distaste for even coming here, and it still seems like the only reason you do so is to hold on to the name. It makes me wonder if this friend that convinced you to keep it ever even comes here themselves.

      Oh, and on an unrelated pointless side note: I was never Princess Luna, I was just Luna.
      Last edited by Twilicious; 01-17-2013 at 03:20 PM. Reason: double post.
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    6. #26
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      Quote Originally Posted by Xalder
      Oh, and on an unrelated pointless side note: I was never Princess Luna, I was just Luna.

      Now, I've got a proposition, if you are willing to drop this, I will to and we can continue being friends or whatever you want.

    7. #27
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      Quote Originally Posted by Princess Luna View Post
      Now, I've got a proposition, if you are willing to drop this, I will to and we can continue being friends or whatever you want.
      I really hope for your own sakes that you two can agree to this, because nothing good has come, nor ever will come, from all this unnecessary drama.

      At this point it is clear that this is simply a personal problem between yourselves, @Princess Luna and @Woona. This thread has been exhausted, and is now just a shouting match.
      Please figure this out in a civilized, respectful manner. If you feel like you need someone to be a neutral in a discussion, talk to me on Skype, I'd be happy to help.

      Further complaints and flaming regarding each other in public on the forum, including the shoutbox, will earn you both immediate bans.

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