Name: Pinkamena Diane Pie

Gender: Female

Species: Earth Pony

Age: 22


Background: Growing up on a rock farm allowed for little social interaction. Pinkie Pie was initially very shy until she "broke out" but this is not her story... it's mine... finally. Everypony always looked at me like I wasn't supposed to be. What they didnt realize is that Pinkie was the one who shouldn't be! I was there first! I didnt just change who I was because of a party, that insufferable pink ball of limitless energy stole my life from me. Luckily, however, I was able to exert a level of control sometimes and one fateful day, during one of our common mental struggles, something snapped. I felt like I was falling through my own mind. Falling, endlessly into nothingness... When I awoke, I was in a bed, but it wasnt a bed I recognized. I got up and took a look around to find myself in ponyville of all places... stranger more was the sight I saw coming down the road. There, acting like nothing happened was the bouncing ball of pink which I so desperately wanted to destroy. Rage boiled inside me until it hit me... how can I watch my body from a window unless I have a body of my own? I made a mad dash to the nearest mirror, tipping tables and chairs on the way and when I finally looked upon myself, I saw, for the first time, who I really was. Long pink hair and a fine pink coat... looking back, I saw my cutie mark, but it was different. they were indeed three balloons, but under closer inspection, they appeared to be balloons stitched together from skin. I knew then and there that it was true, I was a natural born monster and I loved it. there was no more wondering who I really was, snapping between a bubbly party pony and myself. After some time sneaking about ponyville in an attempt not to be seen (it would have raised suspension if there were 2 pinkie's), I found myself getting hungry. Finally, I gave up and just got myself a daisy sandwich. Strangely enough, nopony around reacted to me... it was like they didnt recognize me. Thats when it all made sense. I was always aware of Pinkies strange ability to warp reality, but I never fully understood it, but this made sense... I must have crossed a dimensional barrier through Pinkies mind to get here and now, nopony would recognize me!

Personality: usually fairly friendly, I dont do what I do because I hate anypony, but because its just what I love to do and its what my special talent is. causing pain!

Cutie Mark: Explained in Background

Use: Both forum and Shoutbox