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    Thread: OC: Chickadee

    1. #1
      Little Bird Brony
      A wild Chickadee has appeared!
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      OC: Chickadee

      Name: Chickadee

      Gender: Female

      Species: Pegasus

      Approximate Age: 21

      Picture and/or Description:

      Background: Chickadee is one of the anomalies, born to two unicorn parents in Manehattan who were expecting a unicorn foal. They speculate it is because her mother may have a hint of pegasus blood in her line, but no pony is entirely sure. The two named her after a small, precious bird - the chickadee - due to her wings and size as a foal. From a young age, her parents noticed how sensitive she was, as she frequently perceived truths and emotions in others with a discernment beyond her age. She would often place the needs of others before her own, seeking to bring delight and hope to those who were sad, downtrodden, and felt hopeless and lonely. She grew well, with boundless energy and enthusiasm for life and everything it contained. Eyes wide open, she learned all she could as a filly about nature, and grew to love flora and fauna alike, exploring high and low to see everything she could and feel it with all her senses. However, her life as a filly was not without its difficulties. Her naivety, gullibility and obliviousness to common social custom gained her ridicule from the other fillies and colts, and she was frequently teased and picked on in school. She had few friends, and often spent time alone, watching ponies have fun from a distance.

      Although her mother and father tried to support her as best they could, their busy schedules prevented them from truly being there for Chickadee when she needed it most. Unable to understand their efforts, Chickadee felt distraught when she learned that she and her mother needed to move to Ponyville in order to find work, while her father remained behind in Manehattan. Chickadee failed to understand why her father was not with them, and when he did not come to visit, even though her mother assured her it was because of work, she interpreted this as abandonment, and fell into a deep despair. It did not help that the fillies and colts on Ponyville also teased her, and she had no father to run to for protection.

      Chickadee felt betrayed, abandoned, and confused. Did her father no longer love her, or want her? Overwhelmed with loneliness, she ran away from her new home, solidifying her state of solitude. For a single afternoon, she cried under the shade of a weeping willow tree, wondering if there was ever anypony who loved her, and if she had anything worthwhile to give to the land of Equestria. But in the midst of her tears, a brave little chickadee approached her, looking her curiously in the eye. There was something in its beak, which it held out to her eagerly. A rose. A bright, cheery, yellow rose. Chickadee found herself touched deeply by this gesture. This blooming rose was beautiful, growing vibrantly in a world with so much beauty. And this little bird, so small and seemingly insignificant, for which she held her small as it was, it sought to do what it could to comfort her, and bring her hope. This little bird made a difference. This little bird mattered, and was not forgotten - at least, not by her. She found encouragement in the small, loving gift. She was noticed - cared for - and loved, at least by one, little bird. And that was enough. Chickadee took heart, knowing now that she was loved. And if others felt lonely, sad, and worthless like she did...perhaps they were wrong, too. Perhaps they, too, needed a little Chickadee just to let them know they are loved, even if just by one, little pony. Chickadee returned home by sunset, not noticing her newly acquired cutie mark until the next morning. Her sadness did not dissipate right away, but her heart always had a little hope left in it to keep her going, and to keep her encouraging others.

      Her hope proved worthwhile when her father came to visit a few weeks later. He and her mother explained the whole situation to her once more, and while she was not entirely appeased, she at least understood that her mother and father were trying to love her and be there for her, even though with feeble success. He visits home once every three months, and Chickadee is always stumbling over her hooves with excitement to see him when he returns.

      Chickadee currently lives on the outskirts of Ponyville with her mother. She still has few friends, in part because of her slight anxiety, but that bothers her less and less day by day. She often helps her mother while at home, and one of her favorite chores is doing the produce shopping at the marketplace. Constantly curious, Chickadee loves to watch birds and wildlife, explore, read books, learn, write, and draw. She hopes to be helpful, kind, and encouraging to every pony around her, regardless of her official occupation.

      Personality: Very sensitive, Chickadee is perceptive and discerning in regards to the emotions or affairs of other ponies. However, her sensitivity and previously negative experiences with teasing lead her to have anxiety problems, to fluster easily, and to act in a socially awkward way. Because she is somewhat naive and gullible, her intelligence has its gaps, and she is easy to trick, set-up, or take advantage of. However, at heart, she means well and does her best to be kind, friendly, and encouraging, even if she ends up doing so feebly. Chickadee is hopeful and starry-eyed, loving to learn and happy to do things others might find tiresome, such as completing simple chores around the home or studying about the migration patterns of monarch butterflies. She puts great effort into being helpful and doing the work given to her, even though she is not always confident in her abilities. Ironically, although Chickadee can perceive the truth about other ponies rather well, she is nearly blind and rather modest when it comes to herself, often underestimating her positive attributes. She can be timid when it comes to accepting compliments and giving herself any credit for her hard work. Chickadee is undoubtedly intelligent, but can sometimes seem a bit distant from reality, which manifests itself with her poor time management skills and forgetfulness.

      Cutie Mark: Chickadee’s cutie mark is a small chickadee bird holding a rose in mid-flight. It represents not only the incident which helped her obtain her cutie mark, and the little bird and rose from which the event took place, but it also represents her cheerful, hopeful, curious, loving, timid, and sensitive nature.

      Theme Song(s):
      Beyond the Knowing, by Buckethead
      Little Bird, Little Bird- Elizabeth Mitchell

      This submission is for use in the shoutbox and forum Role Plays, although it probably won't be used very often! It's more to make her official than anything else.

      Thank you for the lovely drawing, Cheerilee!!
      Spoiler: Pffft my boyfriend is such a ham. :lol: 

      Want to see my art? :3

    2. #2
      She's Cute Though, So It's Alright
      Twilight Sparkle's Avatar
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      Accepted, love your writing style. Go ahead and use her!

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